all postcodes in S43 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S43 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S43 2NW 34 0 53.277049 -1.37364
S43 2PE 48 25 53.270174 -1.377036
S43 2PG 20 3 53.273522 -1.376103
S43 2PN 29 1 53.275379 -1.375629
S43 2PP 2 0 53.276194 -1.385362
S43 2PS 28 0 53.274089 -1.37638
S43 2PT 0 53.273627 -1.379269
S43 2PU 0 53.274109 -1.378419
S43 2PW 3 53.2741 -1.385605
S43 2PX 0 53.274367 -1.37792
S43 2PY 0 53.274752 -1.377753
S43 2PZ 0 53.274846 -1.376669
S43 2QA 0 53.278897 -1.402466
S43 2QB 0 53.278276 -1.402489
S43 2QD 0 53.279822 -1.402468
S43 2QE 0 53.270918 -1.399716
S43 2QF 0 53.280416 -1.402459
S43 2QG 0 53.281638 -1.402487
S43 2ZW 0 53.274084 -1.348294
S43 2PR 6 53.274594 -1.381786