all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 2UU 24 0 53.224542 -1.422862
S40 2UW 17 0 53.223798 -1.423291
S40 2UX 17 0 53.22364 -1.42238
S40 2UY 16 0 53.224009 -1.424292
S40 2UZ 1 1 53.21919 -1.424087
S40 2WA 16 0 53.226791 -1.432628
S40 2WB 16 15 53.216798 -1.423579
S40 2WD 14 0 53.222472 -1.427651
S40 2XA 20 0 53.227381 -1.422433
S40 2ZX 1 1 53.23534 -1.434583
S40 2NQ 6 0 53.233283 -1.436977
S40 2AS 4 4 53.233605 -1.444043
S40 2BF 2 53.231821 -1.433654
S40 2RG 1 1 53.234027 -1.449881
S40 2DJ 8 0 53.221454 -1.427531
S40 2NH 1 1 53.232115 -1.437022
S40 2GD 30 0 53.228414 -1.424233
S40 2GA 18 0 53.228073 -1.424492
S40 2GE 32 0 53.227652 -1.424631
S40 2GB 24 0 53.227239 -1.424953