all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 2GL 24 0 53.227628 -1.427284
S40 2GF 36 0 53.227578 -1.426146
S40 2GG 13 0 53.227838 -1.426038
S40 2GH 24 0 53.228208 -1.426288
S40 2FG 65 0 53.229224 -1.428297
S40 2FH 16 0 53.228918 -1.426413
S40 2FJ 16 0 53.228456 -1.427513
S40 2FL 53 4 53.228482 -1.4291
S40 2FN 8 0 53.229068 -1.425722
S40 2FP 8 0 53.22904 -1.425468
S40 2FQ 8 0 53.228931 -1.4252
S40 2FR 8 0 53.22883 -1.424856
S40 2BP 28 0 53.23472 -1.444209
S40 2BX 31 0 53.235059 -1.44368
S40 2FS 6 0 53.235017 -1.444295
S40 2FT 32 0 53.234866 -1.444777
S40 2WH 1 1 53.230433 -1.429149
S40 2WG 7 7 53.230279 -1.426888
S40 2FF 0 53.228027 -1.427983
S40 2GJ 5 0 53.227843 -1.428854