all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 3AW 1 1 53.231706 -1.459078
S40 3AY 13 0 53.230947 -1.462519
S40 3AZ 2 0 53.230348 -1.461028
S40 3BA 13 0 53.231038 -1.460646
S40 3BB 60 0 53.230199 -1.459982
S40 3BD 25 2 53.231235 -1.458486
S40 3BG 6 0 53.231108 -1.456225
S40 3BJ 6 0 53.231407 -1.460791
S40 3BL 33 0 53.23343 -1.45699
S40 3BN 32 0 53.23322 -1.456199
S40 3BP 10 0 53.22469 -1.460276
S40 3BQ 15 8 53.231706 -1.455274
S40 3BS 32 0 53.222698 -1.449307
S40 3BT 32 0 53.222612 -1.450012
S40 3BU 20 0 53.225221 -1.450518
S40 3BW 5 0 53.223077 -1.461495
S40 3BX 31 0 53.225847 -1.451858
S40 3BY 21 0 53.227215 -1.452155
S40 3BZ 50 0 53.226495 -1.453887
S40 3DA 40 0 53.22693 -1.454855