all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 2FX 0 53.228804 -1.428856
S40 2FY 0 53.230101 -1.429319
S40 2FA 55 0 53.226762 -1.437976
S40 2FZ 13 0 53.232722 -1.453283
S40 2WJ 1 0 53.232977 -1.452066
S40 3QR 8 4 53.236037 -1.456851
S40 3AD 37 7 53.231836 -1.456261
S40 3AE 8 0 53.233047 -1.455662
S40 3AF 25 1 53.232329 -1.457918
S40 3AG 42 0 53.232439 -1.456463
S40 3AH 50 0 53.234048 -1.458465
S40 3AJ 23 0 53.234171 -1.459812
S40 3AL 63 0 53.233444 -1.460121
S40 3AN 4 0 53.231944 -1.458282
S40 3AP 6 0 53.23145 -1.46016
S40 3AQ 60 0 53.233532 -1.457528
S40 3AR 36 0 53.232268 -1.460465
S40 3AS 12 0 53.232373 -1.461722
S40 3AT 1 1 53.232811 -1.461268
S40 3AU 18 0 53.231279 -1.462261