all postcodes in S6 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S6 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S6 2BH 4 53.404235 -1.498048
S6 2BJ 1 53.405057 -1.49682
S6 2BL 12 53.404227 -1.489926
S6 2BQ 1 53.4033 -1.500316
S6 2BS 3 53.404031 -1.496667
S6 2BT 0 53.403394 -1.4969
S6 2BU 0 53.403587 -1.497845
S6 2BW 0 53.403559 -1.497665
S6 2BX 0 53.40341 -1.498554
S6 2BY 14 53.403156 -1.500062
S6 2BZ 3 53.403951 -1.498849
S6 2DD 1 53.406523 -1.496983
S6 2DE 1 53.406031 -1.493303
S6 2DF 5 53.406806 -1.496108
S6 2DH 3 53.409791 -1.498238
S6 2DL 8 53.409108 -1.496246
S6 2DQ 1 53.405978 -1.495681
S6 2EE 0 53.404286 -1.499567
S6 2FH 16 53.401359 -1.485553
S6 2FJ 2 53.397548 -1.487584