all postcodes in S6 / SHEFFIELD

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S6 2FL 10 53.398065 -1.488766
S6 2FQ 3 53.400121 -1.488215
S6 2FR 1 53.400624 -1.49233
S6 2FU 10 53.401488 -1.49038
S6 2FZ 2 53.403748 -1.493557
S6 2GA 2 53.401267 -1.49127
S6 2GB 2 53.401851 -1.493399
S6 2GF 4 4 53.402973 -1.495069
S6 2GG 1 1 53.401359 -1.493915
S6 2GR 2 2 53.398462 -1.487017
S6 2GY 7 6 53.401871 -1.49585
S6 2GZ 5 3 53.401065 -1.4944
S6 2HD 2 2 53.400108 -1.491524
S6 2HE 2 2 53.40017 -1.491223
S6 2HF 1 1 53.40012 -1.492111
S6 2HH 16 13 53.40033 -1.493011
S6 2HN 25 3 53.400809 -1.493516
S6 2HP 37 3 53.399147 -1.49152
S6 2JR 1 1 53.400606 -1.49233
S6 2JU 1 1 53.400606 -1.49233