all postcodes in S6 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S6 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S6 5BD 26 0 53.395793 -1.504012
S6 5BE 45 1 53.395408 -1.506543
S6 5BG 45 0 53.395094 -1.506727
S6 5BH 32 0 53.394271 -1.51
S6 5BJ 35 0 53.395254 -1.504093
S6 5BL 27 0 53.39553 -1.503414
S6 5BP 45 0 53.394907 -1.505136
S6 5BQ 33 0 53.394072 -1.509581
S6 5BR 28 0 53.394402 -1.506901
S6 5BS 26 0 53.394379 -1.507758
S6 5BT 5 0 53.396318 -1.500697
S6 5BU 7 0 53.394829 -1.503647
S6 5DA 42 0 53.392808 -1.510393
S6 5DB 31 0 53.393184 -1.510178
S6 5DD 22 4 53.394102 -1.505926
S6 5DE 37 0 53.392625 -1.509658
S6 5DF 23 0 53.390759 -1.512641
S6 5DG 38 0 53.390881 -1.511813
S6 5DH 1 0 53.389666 -1.513752
S6 5DJ 8 0 53.393955 -1.507357