all postcodes in S6 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S6 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S6 5FG 19 1 53.398702 -1.514296
S6 5FH 24 0 53.398214 -1.513579
S6 5FL 34 4 53.39895 -1.513466
S6 5FN 3 1 53.397554 -1.51491
S6 5FP 1 0 53.397006 -1.515022
S6 5FQ 17 0 53.396132 -1.516671
S6 5FR 31 0 53.394829 -1.519031
S6 5FS 22 3 53.393396 -1.522551
S6 5FT 30 1 53.395889 -1.516433
S6 5FU 9 0 53.394585 -1.518508
S6 5FW 10 0 53.393313 -1.52183
S6 5FX 4 0 53.392526 -1.523042
S6 5FY 43 0 53.395902 -1.515335
S6 5FZ 33 0 53.394343 -1.516495
S6 5GA 9 0 53.395421 -1.516513
S6 5GB 13 0 53.394965 -1.51697
S6 5GD 24 0 53.39441 -1.517547
S6 5GE 23 1 53.391989 -1.518943
S6 5GF 43 0 53.393455 -1.519363
S6 5GG 33 0 53.393828 -1.520366