all postcodes in S61 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S61 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S61 2RL 1 53.4619 -1.430464
S61 2RN 0 53.462105 -1.432057
S61 2RP 7 53.461224 -1.433997
S61 2RQ 2 53.454725 -1.415184
S61 2RR 0 53.462632 -1.437052
S61 2RS 0 53.463107 -1.436698
S61 2RT 0 53.462954 -1.438719
S61 2RU 0 53.469149 -1.437116
S61 2RW 0 53.466674 -1.432555
S61 2RX 0 53.470474 -1.439825
S61 2RY 0 53.460736 -1.437183
S61 2RZ 0 53.461118 -1.436303
S61 2SA 0 53.461075 -1.436546
S61 2SB 0 53.460789 -1.43697
S61 2SD 0 53.462271 -1.446409
S61 2SE 1 53.457773 -1.449465
S61 2SF 0 53.452128 -1.434028
S61 2SG 0 53.448827 -1.427853
S61 2SJ 3 53.442539 -1.424911
S61 2SL 0 53.462685 -1.431191