all postcodes in S61 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S61 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S61 2PH 0 53.451947 -1.426275
S61 2PJ 0 53.458879 -1.436061
S61 2PL 1 53.455483 -1.434585
S61 2PN 0 53.455861 -1.4383
S61 2PP 0 53.457644 -1.44293
S61 2PQ 0 53.459919 -1.437463
S61 2PR 0 53.45808 -1.4419
S61 2PS 0 53.458237 -1.442832
S61 2PT 2 53.458867 -1.441227
S61 2PU 0 53.458852 -1.439752
S61 2PW 0 53.457394 -1.44334
S61 2PX 0 53.459215 -1.438587
S61 2PY 3 53.458595 -1.434951
S61 2PZ 0 53.455747 -1.433272
S61 2QA 1 53.460004 -1.436423
S61 2QB 0 53.459358 -1.434775
S61 2QD 0 53.458936 -1.43475
S61 2QE 0 53.458241 -1.434067
S61 2QF 2 53.454977 -1.431957
S61 2QG 0 53.459601 -1.434666