all postcodes in S61 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S61 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S61 4DF 32 0 53.455689 -1.380037
S61 4DG 14 0 53.455256 -1.381413
S61 4DH 24 0 53.455071 -1.380332
S61 4DJ 10 0 53.45471 -1.380036
S61 4DL 19 1 53.454423 -1.381892
S61 4DN 6 0 53.454833 -1.382956
S61 4DP 48 0 53.456159 -1.382138
S61 4DQ 6 0 53.455263 -1.382799
S61 4DR 36 0 53.456652 -1.380218
S61 4DS 7 1 53.456594 -1.377734
S61 4DT 6 2 53.457254 -1.37667
S61 4DW 12 0 53.455587 -1.382691
S61 4DX 36 3 53.456782 -1.372355
S61 4DY 12 1 53.456685 -1.374375
S61 4DZ 3 0 53.45626 -1.375751
S61 4EA 12 0 53.45596 -1.374973
S61 4EB 4 0 53.456254 -1.374532
S61 4ED 10 0 53.454817 -1.373062
S61 4EE 18 0 53.456076 -1.373224
S61 4EF 19 0 53.456124 -1.37378