all postcodes in S61 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S61 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S61 4HP 6 0 53.453593 -1.381438
S61 4HQ 6 0 53.455504 -1.37903
S61 4HR 16 0 53.45384 -1.382292
S61 4HS 6 0 53.453129 -1.382016
S61 4HT 12 0 53.453001 -1.383344
S61 4HU 12 0 53.452849 -1.38187
S61 4HW 38 0 53.454127 -1.380361
S61 4HX 8 0 53.452781 -1.38428
S61 4HY 3 2 53.45318 -1.386639
S61 4HZ 32 0 53.453809 -1.384853
S61 4JA 12 0 53.454563 -1.384618
S61 4JB 30 0 53.45348 -1.383818
S61 4JD 18 0 53.453899 -1.38318
S61 4JE 8 0 53.455221 -1.383417
S61 4JF 4 0 53.454982 -1.383977
S61 4JG 24 0 53.455942 -1.383738
S61 4JH 54 0 53.455657 -1.389449
S61 4JJ 14 0 53.455183 -1.389848
S61 4JL 4 0 53.454971 -1.390739
S61 4JN 4 0 53.454833 -1.390064