all postcodes in S61 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S61 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S61 2DP 0 53.441981 -1.406401
S61 2DQ 0 53.431921 -1.417078
S61 2DR 6 53.426239 -1.416779
S61 2DT 1 53.434947 -1.39649
S61 2DU 1 53.426093 -1.416299
S61 2DW 10 53.426621 -1.417662
S61 2DX 1 53.423441 -1.407261
S61 2DZ 0 53.440224 -1.407404
S61 2EE 0 53.43067 -1.405806
S61 2EF 0 53.431101 -1.40559
S61 2EG 0 53.431505 -1.39845
S61 2EH 0 53.430501 -1.400752
S61 2EJ 0 53.429628 -1.402269
S61 2EL 0 53.430017 -1.402745
S61 2EN 0 53.432468 -1.398632
S61 2EP 0 53.431337 -1.4008
S61 2EQ 0 53.430924 -1.400821
S61 2ER 1 53.430576 -1.405055
S61 2ES 0 53.430214 -1.404443
S61 2ET 0 53.430565 -1.40635