all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S8 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 0BA 0 53.338356 -1.483081
S8 0BB 0 53.338261 -1.483894
S8 0BD 0 53.337705 -1.486484
S8 0BE 0 53.336816 -1.488747
S8 0BF 0 53.336238 -1.509538
S8 0BG 0 53.336635 -1.488389
S8 0BH 0 53.335716 -1.490067
S8 0BJ 14 53.339102 -1.483117
S8 0BL 14 53.3394 -1.483325
S8 0BN 1 53.33861 -1.485707
S8 0BP 1 53.339131 -1.485521
S8 0BQ 2 53.337584 -1.489624
S8 0BR 0 53.337106 -1.489194
S8 0BS 0 53.335742 -1.491839
S8 0BT 0 53.335343 -1.497295
S8 0BU 0 53.33595 -1.494329
S8 0BW 0 53.33585 -1.498265
S8 0BX 0 53.335203 -1.502657
S8 0BY 0 53.33563 -1.505971
S8 0BZ 1 53.336518 -1.507613