all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S8 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 0PG 1 53.350839 -1.484509
S8 0PH 1 53.35046 -1.484198
S8 0PJ 0 53.349875 -1.484205
S8 0PL 0 53.348242 -1.482617
S8 0PN 1 53.347838 -1.482757
S8 0PP 0 53.346276 -1.481139
S8 0PQ 1 53.346242 -1.48165
S8 0PR 0 53.345531 -1.47945
S8 0PS 2 53.344517 -1.479883
S8 0PT 0 53.3458 -1.479282
S8 0RA 0 53.347945 -1.480607
S8 0RB 0 53.34719 -1.480557
S8 0RD 0 53.347194 -1.481458
S8 0RE 0 53.347489 -1.481154
S8 0RF 1 53.347629 -1.480281
S8 0RG 6 53.356422 -1.478537
S8 0RL 11 53.358457 -1.475446
S8 0RN 16 53.357023 -1.476305
S8 0RP 1 53.355164 -1.478687
S8 0RS 1 53.354394 -1.481476