all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S8 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 8AL 0 53.324189 -1.460447
S8 8AN 0 53.324666 -1.460666
S8 8AP 0 53.325665 -1.461014
S8 8AQ 0 53.325075 -1.459655
S8 8AR 0 53.325841 -1.460036
S8 8AS 0 53.327603 -1.462221
S8 8AT 0 53.326136 -1.459868
S8 8AU 0 53.325035 -1.462704
S8 8AW 0 53.324949 -1.461639
S8 8AX 0 53.325302 -1.462115
S8 8BA 3 53.33426 -1.451551
S8 8BG 3 53.333016 -1.435213
S8 8BL 0 53.332985 -1.455772
S8 8BN 0 53.334778 -1.456604
S8 8BP 0 53.333842 -1.456512
S8 8BR 1 53.326314 -1.46952
S8 8BT 1 53.322028 -1.465729
S8 8BU 1 53.320692 -1.460432
S8 8BW 1 53.324049 -1.471394
S8 8BX 0 53.322071 -1.469392