all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S8 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 8LQ 0 53.339981 -1.458251
S8 8LW 0 53.321074 -1.473652
S8 8NX 0 53.344418 -1.467522
S8 8PA 0 53.346482 -1.46682
S8 8PB 0 53.345671 -1.4662
S8 8PD 0 53.345588 -1.463858
S8 8PE 4 53.343673 -1.46989
S8 8PF 0 53.344806 -1.465745
S8 8PG 0 53.344403 -1.46608
S8 8PH 0 53.342645 -1.469062
S8 8PJ 0 53.344103 -1.465364
S8 8PL 0 53.343673 -1.465685
S8 8PN 0 53.34415 -1.469839
S8 8PP 0 53.345169 -1.46855
S8 8PQ 4 53.345971 -1.469111
S8 8PR 0 53.343494 -1.46788
S8 8PS 0 53.341299 -1.465504
S8 8PT 0 53.341266 -1.466105
S8 8PU 0 53.340619 -1.466339
S8 8PW 0 53.345588 -1.469806