all postcodes in S80 / WORKSOP

find any address or company within the S80 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S80 4LS 1 53.253673 -1.243955
S80 4LT 0 53.250597 -1.221363
S80 4LU 0 53.255645 -1.246962
S80 4LW 0 53.259535 -1.228711
S80 4LX 1 53.255564 -1.250157
S80 4LY 3 53.257616 -1.267749
S80 4LZ 0 53.256949 -1.267776
S80 4NA 0 53.254277 -1.267327
S80 4NB 0 53.28044 -1.203528
S80 4ND 0 53.246982 -1.268006
S80 4NE 0 53.280308 -1.204744
S80 4NF 0 53.279977 -1.20232
S80 4NG 0 53.279305 -1.203264
S80 4NH 0 53.279534 -1.203815
S80 4NJ 0 53.284039 -1.206821
S80 4NL 0 53.283776 -1.20912
S80 4NN 1 53.284201 -1.207596
S80 4NP 0 53.282256 -1.207047
S80 4NQ 0 53.282986 -1.21206
S80 4NR 0 53.280161 -1.205736