all postcodes in S80 / WORKSOP

find any address or company within the S80 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S80 4QZ 18 0 53.285325 -1.209617
S80 4QS 8 0 53.285146 -1.210564
S80 4QT 20 0 53.285866 -1.205812
S80 4QU 19 2 53.284862 -1.20763
S80 4QW 19 0 53.280066 -1.206819
S80 4QX 8 0 53.286571 -1.211814
S80 4QY 8 0 53.284064 -1.205215
S80 4RB 10 0 53.285658 -1.210464
S80 4RD 11 0 53.283188 -1.208065
S80 4RE 6 0 53.285802 -1.213838
S80 4RF 5 0 53.285744 -1.209129
S80 4RG 17 0 53.284813 -1.212386
S80 4RH 29 0 53.284054 -1.2118
S80 4RJ 15 1 53.283982 -1.20979
S80 4RL 6 1 53.283259 -1.209805
S80 4RN 7 0 53.283719 -1.208777
S80 4RP 24 2 53.283543 -1.207339
S80 4RQ 5 0 53.284474 -1.212752
S80 4RR 6 0 53.28305 -1.205444
S80 4RS 5 0 53.28267 -1.20452