all postcodes in S8 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S8 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S8 0EY 0 53.338202 -1.495368
S8 0EZ 0 53.340911 -1.496312
S8 0FA 0 53.338804 -1.495392
S8 0GA 1 53.339691 -1.486279
S8 0GB 1 53.339984 -1.485345
S8 0GD 0 53.340495 -1.485083
S8 0GE 0 53.340133 -1.484472
S8 0GF 0 53.339952 -1.482177
S8 0GG 0 53.340392 -1.484168
S8 0GH 0 53.340758 -1.483489
S8 0GJ 0 53.33944 -1.484421
S8 0GL 0 53.341172 -1.483709
S8 0GN 0 53.339626 -1.483668
S8 0GP 0 53.341067 -1.482298
S8 0GQ 0 53.339613 -1.482721
S8 0GR 0 53.340796 -1.482031
S8 0GS 0 53.340388 -1.481029
S8 0GT 0 53.340179 -1.480642
S8 0GU 3 53.341392 -1.480431
S8 0GW 0 53.342517 -1.482821