all postcodes in S9 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S9 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S9 3FU 49 1 53.388725 -1.423366
S9 3FW 12 0 53.38813 -1.421059
S9 3FX 49 0 53.387341 -1.417942
S9 3FY 15 1 53.388517 -1.424993
S9 3HB 12 5 53.391993 -1.433772
S9 3HD 2 1 53.390986 -1.431966
S9 3HF 3 3 53.389997 -1.42986
S9 3HH 3 2 53.388641 -1.430298
S9 3HJ 9 7 53.388489 -1.430406
S9 3HL 2 2 53.38889 -1.433347
S9 3HY 19 14 53.387871 -1.434654
S9 3JA 4 3 53.38785 -1.441526
S9 3JB 4 4 53.387546 -1.439996
S9 3JJ 2 2 53.388298 -1.437415
S9 3JL 13 12 53.38941 -1.43501
S9 3JN 1 1 53.388746 -1.435364
S9 3JQ 1 1 53.39047 -1.431146
S9 3LQ 12 9 53.384865 -1.43955
S9 3LR 2 2 53.385286 -1.437244
S9 3LS 1 1 53.385742 -1.440621