all postcodes in S9 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S9 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S9 3LX 3 3 53.388132 -1.436575
S9 3NE 4 4 53.387759 -1.437513
S9 3NH 9 6 53.388925 -1.438926
S9 3QA 16 9 53.389951 -1.439288
S9 3QB 1 1 53.388873 -1.441362
S9 3QD 5 4 53.389563 -1.440692
S9 3QH 3 3 53.390466 -1.439702
S9 3QN 3 3 53.390945 -1.440402
S9 3QP 3 2 53.392036 -1.435261
S9 3QS 26 21 53.392728 -1.433282
S9 3QU 1 1 53.39118 -1.440655
S9 3RA 17 11 53.39244 -1.435105
S9 3RB 1 0 53.392651 -1.43423
S9 3RD 9 6 53.393409 -1.432957
S9 3RE 8 8 53.39467 -1.431481
S9 3RF 5 3 53.395805 -1.430143
S9 3RG 3 1 53.394099 -1.432391
S9 3RH 2 2 53.396103 -1.43056
S9 3RN 11 5 53.393389 -1.432491
S9 3RP 16 9 53.394238 -1.431502