all postcodes in SA13 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA13 2RQ 0 51.614951 -3.708863
SA13 2RR 0 51.617306 -3.713241
SA13 2RS 2 51.61789 -3.713263
SA13 2RT 0 51.623503 -3.724786
SA13 2RU 0 51.617272 -3.714323
SA13 2RW 2 51.614478 -3.707343
SA13 2RY 1 51.616394 -3.714709
SA13 2SA 0 51.615974 -3.718247
SA13 2SB 0 51.616173 -3.717736
SA13 2SD 0 51.616732 -3.716413
SA13 2SE 0 51.616752 -3.715677
SA13 2SF 0 51.617017 -3.714185
SA13 2SG 0 51.612802 -3.71804
SA13 2SH 0 51.605059 -3.730369
SA13 2SL 0 51.617511 -3.718247
SA13 2SP 1 51.571051 -3.7485
SA13 2SR 0 51.573644 -3.748874
SA13 2SS 0 51.613939 -3.706687
SA13 2SU 0 51.562724 -3.737042
SA13 2SY 0 51.562722 -3.734909