all postcodes in SA13 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA13 2HW 0 51.582669 -3.76592
SA13 2HY 0 51.581334 -3.763184
SA13 2LA 0 51.581025 -3.761613
SA13 2LB 0 51.578689 -3.761494
SA13 2LD 0 51.579189 -3.760517
SA13 2LE 0 51.579467 -3.75998
SA13 2LF 0 51.578404 -3.758293
SA13 2LG 0 51.576903 -3.757081
SA13 2LH 0 51.576533 -3.760169
SA13 2LN 0 51.576653 -3.761126
SA13 2LP 0 51.577204 -3.760975
SA13 2LR 0 51.577836 -3.762038
SA13 2LS 0 51.577937 -3.762461
SA13 2LT 0 51.578694 -3.763543
SA13 2LU 0 51.579048 -3.763947
SA13 2LW 0 51.576872 -3.760341
SA13 2LZ 0 51.577612 -3.764324
SA13 2ND 0 51.568433 -3.749193
SA13 2NE 0 51.568548 -3.7523
SA13 2NF 1 51.567715 -3.749728