all postcodes in SA13 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA13 2NG 1 51.574813 -3.765935
SA13 2NP 0 51.560891 -3.736886
SA13 2NR 1 51.556131 -3.739116
SA13 2NS 1 51.56031 -3.746977
SA13 2NY 0 51.554291 -3.730405
SA13 2PA 3 51.550597 -3.726383
SA13 2PB 0 51.539373 -3.725323
SA13 2PD 0 51.537407 -3.725829
SA13 2PE 33 51.536423 -3.735236
SA13 2PH 0 51.540234 -3.743107
SA13 2PL 0 51.535708 -3.723786
SA13 2PN 1 51.532471 -3.718257
SA13 2PP 0 51.560445 -3.741529
SA13 2PQ 0 51.547188 -3.724047
SA13 2PS 0 51.549319 -3.727099
SA13 2PT 0 51.569068 -3.753662
SA13 2PU 0 51.548165 -3.726709
SA13 2PW 1 51.536018 -3.730863
SA13 2PY 0 51.609746 -3.734738
SA13 2RA 0 51.620354 -3.735891