all postcodes in SA13 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA13 3AB 35 0 51.678294 -3.626386
SA13 3AD 37 1 51.679048 -3.627773
SA13 3AE 10 0 51.678369 -3.628081
SA13 3AF 14 0 51.678732 -3.628787
SA13 3AG 12 0 51.678459 -3.628764
SA13 3AH 9 0 51.679689 -3.62823
SA13 3AJ 10 0 51.658394 -3.625138
SA13 3AL 16 0 51.680357 -3.626127
SA13 3AN 33 0 51.680967 -3.623632
SA13 3AT 14 0 51.679844 -3.626109
SA13 3AU 13 0 51.679703 -3.625294
SA13 3AY 1 0 51.680317 -3.620557
SA13 3BA 1 1 51.680051 -3.628706
SA13 3BB 12 1 51.679513 -3.626661
SA13 3BD 16 0 51.679992 -3.625825
SA13 3BE 16 0 51.679945 -3.627255
SA13 3BG 20 0 51.680034 -3.627996
SA13 3BJ 15 0 51.680049 -3.626897
SA13 3BL 3 0 51.680852 -3.628921
SA13 3BN 7 0 51.680307 -3.629684