all postcodes in SA13 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA13 3BP 11 0 51.680483 -3.630601
SA13 3BS 30 0 51.680677 -3.6322
SA13 3BT 10 0 51.680702 -3.632982
SA13 3BU 5 0 51.681041 -3.631229
SA13 3BW 4 0 51.680701 -3.629814
SA13 3BY 1 0 51.681634 -3.630628
SA13 3DA 8 0 51.68201 -3.629427
SA13 3DB 1 0 51.684434 -3.629065
SA13 3DD 28 0 51.681834 -3.628495
SA13 3DE 1 1 51.680794 -3.627618
SA13 3DF 7 0 51.68122 -3.626751
SA13 3DG 15 0 51.68137 -3.626337
SA13 3DH 13 0 51.681661 -3.626116
SA13 3DP 24 1 51.677865 -3.628786
SA13 3DR 16 0 51.677339 -3.629086
SA13 3DS 37 0 51.676794 -3.628835
SA13 3DT 12 0 51.677255 -3.628012
SA13 3EA 3 1 51.674393 -3.631104
SA13 3ED 34 1 51.652015 -3.650526
SA13 3EE 19 2 51.651451 -3.651589