all postcodes in SA13 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA13 3HT 34 0 51.651009 -3.643637
SA13 3HU 2 0 51.651403 -3.644417
SA13 3HY 1 1 51.652947 -3.64949
SA13 3LD 11 0 51.655098 -3.659557
SA13 3LE 7 0 51.656549 -3.664396
SA13 3LH 16 0 51.656753 -3.666485
SA13 3LL 4 0 51.656105 -3.665507
SA13 3LN 9 1 51.654005 -3.648372
SA13 3LP 3 0 51.654329 -3.647386
SA13 3LR 3 0 51.654112 -3.647812
SA13 3LT 13 1 51.653595 -3.647113
SA13 3LU 12 0 51.654651 -3.646559
SA13 3LW 3 0 51.654297 -3.648079
SA13 3LY 13 0 51.658198 -3.646283
SA13 3NA 35 0 51.660424 -3.645915
SA13 3NB 24 1 51.664503 -3.643879
SA13 3ND 1 0 51.668983 -3.642827
SA13 3NL 7 0 51.649975 -3.635895
SA13 3NN 4 0 51.653073 -3.629487
SA13 3NP 11 0 51.653293 -3.631765