all postcodes in SA13 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA13 3NR 3 1 51.649857 -3.633361
SA13 3NS 8 0 51.649601 -3.638238
SA13 3NT 18 0 51.648902 -3.63843
SA13 3NU 12 0 51.648586 -3.638534
SA13 3NY 12 0 51.648326 -3.637454
SA13 3PA 25 0 51.647939 -3.638134
SA13 3PB 31 3 51.646899 -3.638892
SA13 3PE 2 0 51.646794 -3.638295
SA13 3PF 32 0 51.644947 -3.636668
SA13 3PG 22 0 51.646668 -3.637669
SA13 3PH 20 0 51.64544 -3.636714
SA13 3PL 4 2 51.644389 -3.635116
SA13 3PP 20 0 51.644454 -3.633702
SA13 3PQ 20 0 51.646286 -3.637757
SA13 3PR 29 0 51.643863 -3.633551
SA13 3PY 26 0 51.64491 -3.637346
SA13 3RA 5 1 51.645783 -3.638332
SA13 3RB 2 0 51.646788 -3.638714
SA13 3RD 20 1 51.646369 -3.639798
SA13 3RE 6 0 51.645856 -3.640459