all postcodes in SA13 / PORT TALBOT

find any address or company within the SA13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA13 3RF 19 0 51.645514 -3.639145
SA13 3RG 6 0 51.643884 -3.635228
SA13 3RH 34 0 51.64296 -3.637001
SA13 3RL 32 0 51.643257 -3.637026
SA13 3RN 38 0 51.643605 -3.637429
SA13 3RP 17 0 51.643506 -3.639796
SA13 3RR 38 0 51.642871 -3.640843
SA13 3RS 17 1 51.642985 -3.642552
SA13 3RT 4 0 51.643091 -3.643322
SA13 3RU 4 0 51.64331 -3.643127
SA13 3RW 23 0 51.643857 -3.637857
SA13 3SA 4 0 51.643281 -3.642592
SA13 3SB 10 0 51.643597 -3.64188
SA13 3SD 30 0 51.644319 -3.644031
SA13 3SE 2 0 51.644965 -3.64245
SA13 3SF 8 0 51.6445 -3.642014
SA13 3SN 28 2 51.644163 -3.641915
SA13 3SP 26 0 51.644027 -3.638788
SA13 3SR 8 0 51.644176 -3.636872
SA13 3SW 13 0 51.644369 -3.64042