all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 8DB 55 0 51.707548 -4.137883
SA14 8DD 28 0 51.703666 -4.140739
SA14 8DE 23 0 51.704518 -4.139376
SA14 8DF 50 0 51.705529 -4.140161
SA14 8DG 62 0 51.701598 -4.141669
SA14 8DH 18 0 51.703331 -4.139377
SA14 8DJ 13 0 51.696128 -4.089939
SA14 8DL 26 0 51.703214 -4.138851
SA14 8DN 3 0 51.704451 -4.137607
SA14 8DP 22 0 51.704408 -4.138965
SA14 8DQ 3 0 51.6886 -4.109601
SA14 8DR 16 0 51.70685 -4.138197
SA14 8DS 31 4 51.705861 -4.137688
SA14 8DT 18 0 51.703669 -4.137584
SA14 8DU 14 0 51.705988 -4.138649
SA14 8DW 16 0 51.703829 -4.139184
SA14 8DX 37 0 51.688058 -4.130164
SA14 8DY 5 0 51.702666 -4.141329
SA14 8DZ 3 3 51.700058 -4.086343
SA14 8EA 6 0 51.702264 -4.144117