all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 8BA 14 0 51.701706 -4.088242
SA14 8BB 15 2 51.697888 -4.145387
SA14 8BD 14 0 51.697777 -4.145077
SA14 8BE 37 2 51.696509 -4.142615
SA14 8BG 47 2 51.696414 -4.142915
SA14 8BH 31 3 51.698809 -4.143723
SA14 8BJ 7 0 51.693755 -4.11
SA14 8BL 22 0 51.700938 -4.143838
SA14 8BN 1 0 51.70279 -4.144345
SA14 8BP 17 0 51.703884 -4.144418
SA14 8BQ 4 0 51.707068 -4.104222
SA14 8BR 17 0 51.703389 -4.14247
SA14 8BS 21 0 51.705234 -4.142521
SA14 8BT 20 0 51.70614 -4.141667
SA14 8BU 3 0 51.70442 -4.14131
SA14 8BW 23 0 51.703958 -4.143923
SA14 8BX 1 1 51.699704 -4.114228
SA14 8BY 5 0 51.703906 -4.141235
SA14 8BZ 8 0 51.705702 -4.144454
SA14 8DA 5 0 51.705262 -4.138513