all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 8JY 3 0 51.738882 -4.103818
SA14 8JZ 3 0 51.736126 -4.106971
SA14 8LA 5 4 51.698149 -4.14592
SA14 8LB 1 1 51.697307 -4.14669
SA14 8LE 15 0 51.706873 -4.133002
SA14 8LF 41 0 51.707326 -4.133805
SA14 8LH 30 0 51.689199 -4.138624
SA14 8LL 18 0 51.69041 -4.137798
SA14 8LN 15 0 51.689335 -4.136619
SA14 8LP 1 1 51.690589 -4.132424
SA14 8LR 43 6 51.689333 -4.129298
SA14 8LS 40 0 51.688376 -4.129007
SA14 8LT 2 0 51.688036 -4.127233
SA14 8LU 1 0 51.688226 -4.126353
SA14 8LW 48 1 51.689114 -4.132905
SA14 8LY 2 1 51.690036 -4.12902
SA14 8LZ 11 0 51.722705 -4.149393
SA14 8NA 1 1 51.688898 -4.125979
SA14 8NB 6 0 51.688067 -4.125217
SA14 8NE 16 1 51.687181 -4.126773