all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 8NF 11 0 51.687365 -4.127238
SA14 8NG 34 0 51.687455 -4.125217
SA14 8NJ 2 1 51.716381 -4.130215
SA14 8NL 34 0 51.687039 -4.12485
SA14 8NN 56 0 51.685003 -4.127561
SA14 8NQ 3 2 51.714932 -4.144638
SA14 8NS 4 3 51.690674 -4.127205
SA14 8NU 8 0 51.692435 -4.128807
SA14 8NW 11 0 51.688792 -4.127869
SA14 8NX 13 0 51.714217 -4.121738
SA14 8NY 4 0 51.69307 -4.130472
SA14 8NZ 6 0 51.710512 -4.11175
SA14 8PA 23 1 51.69341 -4.131544
SA14 8PB 3 0 51.694327 -4.130111
SA14 8PD 5 1 51.694527 -4.132928
SA14 8PE 12 0 51.693722 -4.132731
SA14 8PF 31 0 51.693229 -4.140044
SA14 8PG 59 0 51.69225 -4.140967
SA14 8PH 24 0 51.69257 -4.141648
SA14 8PJ 2 0 51.709473 -4.107902