all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 9DL 17 0 51.679966 -4.123159
SA14 9DN 16 0 51.680264 -4.122059
SA14 9DP 43 4 51.679084 -4.119675
SA14 9DQ 32 0 51.67851 -4.121587
SA14 9DS 20 0 51.682168 -4.123725
SA14 9DT 33 0 51.67785 -4.121816
SA14 9DU 16 0 51.681599 -4.121847
SA14 9DW 22 8 51.680372 -4.121095
SA14 9DX 6 0 51.679706 -4.121093
SA14 9DY 20 0 51.682943 -4.123602
SA14 9EA 36 0 51.682616 -4.123789
SA14 9EB 2 0 51.683606 -4.125593
SA14 9ED 8 0 51.68404 -4.124608
SA14 9EE 40 0 51.683946 -4.125819
SA14 9EF 36 0 51.683388 -4.123377
SA14 9EG 18 0 51.68342 -4.12157
SA14 9EH 28 0 51.684141 -4.121503
SA14 9EL 24 0 51.6838 -4.121472
SA14 9EN 4 0 51.683951 -4.119092
SA14 9EP 10 0 51.683982 -4.118204