all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 9EQ 82 0 51.680284 -4.11299
SA14 9ER 37 0 51.682549 -4.116018
SA14 9ES 21 0 51.682532 -4.115511
SA14 9ET 30 2 51.680001 -4.116695
SA14 9EU 14 0 51.681807 -4.116808
SA14 9EW 14 0 51.684284 -4.11756
SA14 9EX 27 0 51.679676 -4.115797
SA14 9EY 16 0 51.682619 -4.116658
SA14 9EZ 9 0 51.679136 -4.114788
SA14 9HA 36 0 51.68308 -4.118502
SA14 9HB 12 1 51.683437 -4.119676
SA14 9HD 35 1 51.682207 -4.119408
SA14 9HE 7 1 51.682461 -4.118292
SA14 9HF 31 3 51.681707 -4.120333
SA14 9HG 40 0 51.680936 -4.119212
SA14 9HH 19 1 51.68106 -4.119796
SA14 9HL 46 0 51.677166 -4.12135
SA14 9HP 4 0 51.678604 -4.117902
SA14 9HR 16 1 51.678026 -4.116545
SA14 9HS 10 0 51.677144 -4.113582