all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 9TL 2 1 51.677798 -4.096492
SA14 9TP 23 0 51.671048 -4.101482
SA14 9TT 3 1 51.685892 -4.109664
SA14 9TU 1 1 51.684821 -4.108196
SA14 9TW 11 0 51.676841 -4.089803
SA14 9TY 18 0 51.685603 -4.107711
SA14 9UA 1 0 51.686106 -4.105615
SA14 9UB 20 0 51.684883 -4.103619
SA14 9UD 36 0 51.68562 -4.103271
SA14 9UE 33 0 51.685684 -4.101067
SA14 9UF 29 2 51.686501 -4.101793
SA14 9UG 9 0 51.685938 -4.099936
SA14 9UH 11 0 51.686999 -4.099081
SA14 9UL 28 0 51.686971 -4.097648
SA14 9UN 9 0 51.687702 -4.096495
SA14 9UP 33 0 51.688739 -4.092304
SA14 9UR 11 0 51.686852 -4.102272
SA14 9UT 1 1 51.676109 -4.134998
SA14 9UU 59 39 51.673517 -4.14004
SA14 9UW 41 0 51.688091 -4.09184