all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 9SD 1 1 51.673931 -4.13115
SA14 9SE 1 0 51.674767 -4.117094
SA14 9SF 27 0 51.67307 -4.117109
SA14 9SG 1 0 51.671628 -4.113129
SA14 9SH 2 1 51.663941 -4.122995
SA14 9SJ 6 0 51.670738 -4.095683
SA14 9SN 3 0 51.664301 -4.104655
SA14 9SP 1 0 51.671459 -4.109166
SA14 9SQ 15 0 51.666531 -4.110152
SA14 9SR 1 0 51.669196 -4.100471
SA14 9SS 33 0 51.671376 -4.101251
SA14 9ST 63 7 51.670492 -4.09669
SA14 9SU 10 10 51.667393 -4.097516
SA14 9SW 2 0 51.670488 -4.109504
SA14 9SY 1 0 51.672152 -4.093043
SA14 9SZ 7 0 51.6711 -4.099069
SA14 9TA 1 0 51.673284 -4.092097
SA14 9TD 42 2 51.666535 -4.090144
SA14 9TE 1 1 51.669093 -4.091109
SA14 9TG 1 1 51.665127 -4.082539