all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 7BT 3 0 51.791936 -4.147688
SA14 7BU 5 0 51.787327 -4.144003
SA14 7BW 3 0 51.798053 -4.150488
SA14 7BY 1 0 51.796713 -4.1431
SA14 7DA 63 0 51.798139 -4.13741
SA14 7DB 2 0 51.799087 -4.134154
SA14 7DD 41 0 51.798807 -4.139718
SA14 7DE 51 2 51.804441 -4.100096
SA14 7DL 41 0 51.804132 -4.095208
SA14 7DN 52 0 51.803336 -4.096476
SA14 7DR 32 0 51.801985 -4.094078
SA14 7DS 42 0 51.803803 -4.089947
SA14 7DT 1 1 51.802976 -4.09044
SA14 7EA 64 0 51.807089 -4.0943
SA14 7EB 21 0 51.805251 -4.097044
SA14 7EG 24 0 51.807559 -4.103258
SA14 7ET 3 0 51.815954 -4.119934
SA14 7EH 16 0 51.809886 -4.108386
SA14 7EL 32 1 51.812905 -4.110993
SA14 7EW 17 0 51.813505 -4.109135