all postcodes in SA14 / LLANELLI

find any address or company within the SA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA14 7EN 3 0 51.811065 -4.116333
SA14 7EP 2 0 51.813365 -4.095293
SA14 7EQ 30 0 51.812793 -4.113759
SA14 7ER 18 0 51.81403 -4.115442
SA14 7ES 1 0 51.812984 -4.121602
SA14 7EU 3 0 51.814488 -4.125982
SA14 7EX 3 0 51.813142 -4.112832
SA14 7EY 2 0 51.812336 -4.110624
SA14 7HA 5 0 51.822694 -4.1192
SA14 7HB 5 0 51.821544 -4.110178
SA14 7HD 13 0 51.8232 -4.09351
SA14 7HE 1 0 51.826344 -4.085572
SA14 7HF 7 0 51.827387 -4.09517
SA14 7HG 7 0 51.838168 -4.106804
SA14 7HH 10 0 51.826333 -4.113885
SA14 7HL 7 0 51.81884 -4.10997
SA14 7HN 24 0 51.803384 -4.098872
SA14 7HP 3 2 51.804313 -4.075349
SA14 7HR 43 0 51.80519 -4.07872
SA14 7HS 53 0 51.805548 -4.080289