all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 1AB 14 0 51.81371 -3.86734
SA18 1AD 19 0 51.813231 -3.866957
SA18 1AE 38 3 51.814336 -3.865349
SA18 1AF 26 0 51.813271 -3.865015
SA18 1AG 23 0 51.813245 -3.862663
SA18 1AH 16 1 51.814218 -3.862529
SA18 1AL 21 0 51.814076 -3.863991
SA18 1AN 67 1 51.817823 -3.861445
SA18 1AP 28 0 51.816255 -3.864514
SA18 1AQ 5 0 51.786614 -3.923274
SA18 1AR 2 0 51.818602 -3.867225
SA18 1AS 30 0 51.817083 -3.86391
SA18 1AT 1 1 51.812852 -3.868189
SA18 1AU 14 0 51.813919 -3.868901
SA18 1AW 25 0 51.816994 -3.863282
SA18 1AY 2 0 51.818144 -3.870021
SA18 1BA 42 0 51.812709 -3.870345
SA18 1BB 25 0 51.813535 -3.871583
SA18 1BD 32 0 51.811397 -3.872046
SA18 1BE 55 0 51.812414 -3.874772