all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 1BG 40 0 51.812038 -3.874655
SA18 1BH 10 0 51.809545 -3.875958
SA18 1BL 8 0 51.811622 -3.877512
SA18 1BN 10 0 51.812387 -3.878151
SA18 1BT 4 1 51.812282 -3.867266
SA18 1BU 33 1 51.812582 -3.864246
SA18 1BW 6 0 51.810532 -3.883807
SA18 1BX 13 0 51.803289 -3.915354
SA18 1BY 36 1 51.812329 -3.863743
SA18 1BZ 27 0 51.803762 -3.915055
SA18 1DA 47 0 51.812478 -3.85944
SA18 1DB 46 0 51.812115 -3.854536
SA18 1DD 1 0 51.80766 -3.858069
SA18 1DE 10 0 51.814159 -3.851457
SA18 1DF 18 2 51.816469 -3.855513
SA18 1DG 12 0 51.811897 -3.849537
SA18 1DH 7 0 51.810224 -3.842084
SA18 1DJ 57 5 51.805244 -3.920658
SA18 1DL 7 0 51.811091 -3.837855
SA18 1DN 13 0 51.809983 -3.838972