all postcodes in SA18 / AMMANFORD

find any address or company within the SA18 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA18 3BE 1 51.794497 -3.991492
SA18 3BG 0 51.793581 -3.992511
SA18 3BH 0 51.794732 -3.994621
SA18 3BQ 1 51.805882 -4.022557
SA18 3BS 9 51.791677 -3.987569
SA18 3BW 2 51.792198 -3.986577
SA18 3BX 0 51.80377 -4.025074
SA18 3BZ 3 51.805117 -4.027707
SA18 3BY 3 51.791782 -3.988284
SA18 3DA 0 51.791518 -3.988364
SA18 3DB 10 51.792437 -3.987752
SA18 3DD 0 51.788364 -3.991541
SA18 3DE 1 51.792359 -3.987657
SA18 3DG 1 51.792955 -3.988597
SA18 3DJ 0 51.80421 -4.032322
SA18 3DL 1 51.792846 -3.988539
SA18 3DN 23 51.792156 -3.989562
SA18 3DQ 0 51.804692 -4.032078
SA18 3DR 2 51.790846 -3.990983
SA18 3DS 1 51.786194 -3.992736