all postcodes in SA42 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the SA42 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA42 0QF 15 0 52.010944 -4.820593
SA42 0QG 21 0 52.010212 -4.81737
SA42 0QH 4 0 51.989765 -4.821968
SA42 0QJ 3 0 51.999969 -4.80947
SA42 0QL 2 0 51.998374 -4.810576
SA42 0QN 12 0 51.995852 -4.804871
SA42 0QP 8 0 51.989989 -4.793506
SA42 0QR 8 0 51.999431 -4.79392
SA42 0QS 5 0 51.996167 -4.798815
SA42 0QT 10 0 52.010433 -4.834392
SA42 0QU 6 0 52.009367 -4.838696
SA42 0QW 6 0 51.992447 -4.804716
SA42 0QX 12 0 52.00684 -4.850223
SA42 0QY 13 0 52.00457 -4.858167
SA42 0QZ 14 0 52.010468 -4.848239
SA42 0RE 1 0 52.015858 -4.835314
SA42 0RF 19 0 52.0168 -4.835782
SA42 0RG 11 1 52.017027 -4.836452
SA42 0RH 3 1 52.018053 -4.837264
SA42 0RJ 9 0 52.018705 -4.838588