all postcodes in SA42 / NEWPORT

find any address or company within the SA42 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA42 0SL 8 0 52.022578 -4.895949
SA42 0SN 27 0 52.023201 -4.896558
SA42 0SP 4 0 52.007593 -4.883206
SA42 0SQ 3 0 52.019328 -4.900083
SA42 0SR 7 0 52.003551 -4.874434
SA42 0SS 2 0 52.01518 -4.864816
SA42 0ST 1 0 52.019571 -4.853336
SA42 0SU 16 0 52.016184 -4.89883
SA42 0SW 8 0 52.008223 -4.890154
SA42 0SY 38 9 52.016538 -4.830726
SA42 0TA 6 1 52.015997 -4.834784
SA42 0TB 8 3 52.016119 -4.833935
SA42 0TD 18 2 52.015724 -4.836414
SA42 0TE 52 0 52.017536 -4.834736
SA42 0TF 15 0 52.015545 -4.836723
SA42 0TG 5 0 52.015517 -4.835293
SA42 0TH 6 0 52.015744 -4.834812
SA42 0TJ 37 3 52.017635 -4.832588
SA42 0TL 6 0 52.017088 -4.832419
SA42 0TN 8 1 52.017335 -4.832259