all postcodes in SA67 / KILGETTY

find any address or company within the SA67 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA67 8BD 3 0 51.761826 -4.870337
SA67 8BE 37 0 51.765049 -4.885254
SA67 8BG 9 0 51.764711 -4.868201
SA67 8BH 4 0 51.767787 -4.85451
SA67 8BJ 5 0 51.780816 -4.843138
SA67 8BL 1 0 51.794418 -4.813115
SA67 8BS 9 1 51.793264 -4.759395
SA67 8BT 7 1 51.798504 -4.789959
SA67 8BU 11 0 51.790058 -4.752282
SA67 8BX 6 0 51.783482 -4.761147
SA67 8BY 2 0 51.777722 -4.75994
SA67 8BZ 5 1 51.771684 -4.761499
SA67 8DA 11 0 51.77347 -4.775395
SA67 8DB 10 0 51.774377 -4.79224
SA67 8DD 1 0 51.774175 -4.796097
SA67 8DE 8 2 51.786633 -4.796766
SA67 8DF 2 0 51.799675 -4.802898
SA67 8DG 15 1 51.811869 -4.805425
SA67 8DH 3 0 51.820064 -4.795935
SA67 8DJ 14 1 51.825949 -4.794282