all postcodes in SA67 / KILGETTY

find any address or company within the SA67 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA67 7AA 27 3 51.80052 -4.743824
SA67 7AB 13 4 51.800295 -4.744971
SA67 7AD 1 1 51.798361 -4.743853
SA67 7AE 13 0 51.801171 -4.746736
SA67 7AF 21 0 51.801343 -4.745151
SA67 7AG 5 5 51.799245 -4.74514
SA67 7AH 16 0 51.801113 -4.748067
SA67 7AJ 5 0 51.800275 -4.747639
SA67 7AL 3 0 51.800451 -4.747795
SA67 7AN 22 0 51.798674 -4.745076
SA67 7AP 15 0 51.798409 -4.744508
SA67 7AQ 2 0 51.800619 -4.74692
SA67 7AR 55 26 51.79893 -4.743641
SA67 7AS 29 16 51.799038 -4.744126
SA67 7AT 8 3 51.797893 -4.743476
SA67 7AU 46 13 51.797847 -4.742371
SA67 7AW 17 4 51.799899 -4.742292
SA67 7AX 31 2 51.797307 -4.742251
SA67 7AY 15 0 51.799203 -4.741699
SA67 7AZ 34 0 51.799636 -4.742277