all postcodes in SE12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE12 8AA 36 0 51.450751 0.014012
SE12 8AB 8 0 51.450917 0.013271
SE12 8AD 12 0 51.451082 0.016732
SE12 8AE 21 0 51.450656 0.016411
SE12 8AG 46 0 51.453614 0.016481
SE12 8AH 3 0 51.453635 0.014729
SE12 8AJ 52 0 51.453014 0.017379
SE12 8AL 32 0 51.45105 0.020156
SE12 8AN 31 0 51.451448 0.020044
SE12 8AP 21 0 51.450603 0.023173
SE12 8AQ 20 0 51.453647 0.015075
SE12 8AR 17 0 51.450197 0.02268
SE12 8AS 5 0 51.449437 0.024028
SE12 8AT 18 0 51.453227 0.016496
SE12 8AW 1 1 51.450324 0.021607
SE12 8AX 54 0 51.454709 0.017093
SE12 8AZ 6 0 51.45012 0.013581
SE12 8BH 36 0 51.450154 0.026233
SE12 8BJ 26 0 51.450565 0.026396
SE12 8BL 25 2 51.45189 0.0288