all postcodes in SE12 / LONDON

find any address or company within the SE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

SE / South East London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SE12 8BP 16 0 51.451997 0.026286
SE12 8BS 28 0 51.452103 0.026895
SE12 8BT 23 0 51.451993 0.024919
SE12 8BU 6 0 51.453036 0.024936
SE12 8BW 35 0 51.452327 0.027452
SE12 8BX 40 0 51.451391 0.023885
SE12 8BY 23 0 51.451198 0.025675
SE12 8BZ 22 0 51.450792 0.025729
SE12 8DL 34 0 51.451916 0.015833
SE12 8DN 44 0 51.451945 0.016252
SE12 8DP 21 0 51.452279 0.014065
SE12 8DR 12 0 51.45279 0.016275
SE12 8DS 26 0 51.453181 0.014421
SE12 8DT 32 0 51.453862 0.013558
SE12 8DU 12 0 51.455461 0.013096
SE12 8DW 36 0 51.451762 0.014833
SE12 8DX 32 0 51.45423 0.012524
SE12 8DY 31 0 51.453266 0.012611
SE12 8DZ 26 0 51.453887 0.013168
SE12 8EA 10 0 51.452949 0.013835